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 Sparnai '2006  

Apie mus, tikrus vyrus

Apie mus, tikrus vyrus

Nuo: Vyras, kuriam rupi (2006-01-23 22:54)
Dþiugu, kad kiekvienas ið mûsø, tikrø vyrø, buvo pastebëtas ir suprastas. Kiekviena katutë, nuskambëjusi po ðio teksto mums ástrigo taip pat, kaip ástringa kiðtukas á rozetæ - it èia buvæs. Mes laukëm, norëjom bûti suprasti ir tai ávyko. Visas tekstas, kuris tebuvo paprasta mûsø kasdienybës reflekcija ávykiø labirinte, sugraudino mus savo paprastumu, neþabota minties galia ir tyra vyriðka meile. Aèiû tau, mylimasis Tomai, kad nepabijojai pasakyti tiesos, pavieðinti tai, kas mums taip brangu. Tavo. E.

Nuo: Vyras, kuris tau rupi (2006-01-24 11:16)
Man atrodo, kad sita kalba buvo viso renginio pagrindinis akcentas. Nieko nuoðirdesnio nesu girdëjæs. Tai áprasmino visø vyrø savitarpio supratimà ir vienybæ. Nenuostabu, kad po to ðis kûrinys skambejo ir sostinës baruose aidint nepaþástamø klausytojø plojimams ir susiþavëjimo ðûksniams :) Faina, kad pagaliau vieðai nuskambëjo tikra tiesa Apie mus, tikrus vyrus! M.

Nuo: Laurynas (Vyras, kuris noretu, kad jam paruptu) (2006-01-26 11:46)
Tai gal kas nors galetu paviesinti si reikala? Butu malonu paskaityti apie ka gi ta nuostabi kalba buvo...:) Aciu

Nuo: yf (2006-01-28 19:07)
liuksce buvo

Nuo: 9bals (2006-01-30 21:10)
hehe, ðauniai buvo.;) Tomo talentai iðsiskleidë ir iðsikerojo it gerai priþiûrimos nasturtos gëlyne pas mani kaime.. pagarba tikriems vyrams!:D

Nuo: LJ (2006-01-30 21:16)
Tai tipo niekas taip ir neparasys apie ka ten Tombakas kalbejo? Negi niekas neprisimena, o gal gali pacituoti ar net visa teksta numesti cia..?


Nuo: Grogaru et finitus aquamarine (2006-01-31 00:40)
Kiekviena karta turi savo Tombaka (pavardes ivairuoja, bet ivaizdis toks pat). O bet taciau manau, kad sios kartos Tombakas buvo ne per blogiausias. Pvz., ankstesniu metu Tombakas keista Kolytos pavarde visiems buvo labai igrises, neartistiskas ir nejuokingas. Sios kartos Tombakas, t. y. Tombakas yra dar neigrises, artistiskas ir net siek tiek juokingas. Aciu Dievui uz siuometini Tombaka, amen.

Nuo: maxas (2006-01-31 20:48)
Kiekvienas maxas turi savo Tombaka

Nuo: rimvis (2006-02-01 22:02)
Kiekvienas kursas turi ir savo 'Grogaru et finitus aquamarine' kurie bando klasifikuot þmones. Sëkmës.

Nuo: Vyras, kuriam rupi (2006-02-01 23:54)
Taèiau nepaisant visko, vyrai myli vyrus. Ir tai yra graþu. Tavo, E.

Nuo: latviai (2006-02-06 22:06)
o pas mus stoty "maksas tualete" iskaba yra...:D

Nuo: maxas to latviai (2006-03-09 17:55)
tai klausyk, smagesys pas jumi!

Nuo: Keith Ritika (2007-04-19 13:05)
Ne nasovsem a navsegd. Keith Ritika.

Nuo: jsdjhll (2007-04-24 20:38)
Houston Veins
Veins Houston
Houston Vein
Vein Houston

Nuo: ëþñòðû áðà ñâåòèëüíèêè ëàìïà íàñòîëüíàÿ òî÷å÷íûå ñâåòèëüíèêè â èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíå ïðîäàæà òîðøåðîâ (2007-04-25 01:31)
ëþñòðû áðà ñâåòèëüíèêè
ëàìïà íàñòîëüíàÿ
òî÷å÷íûå ñâåòèëüíèêè â èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíå
ïðîäàæà òîðøåðîâ
íàñòîëüíûå ëàìïû äëÿ îôèñà
ëþñòðû òîðøåðû
áðà massive

Nuo: òîðøåð Ñâåòîäèîäíûé ñâåòèëüíèê LED ïîäâåñû ñâåòèëüíèêè massive tiffani òî÷å÷íûå ñâåòèëüíèêè â èíò (2007-04-25 01:31)
Ñâåòîäèîäíûé ñâåòèëüíèê LED
ïîäâåñû ñâåòèëüíèêè massive tiffani
òî÷å÷íûå ñâåòèëüíèêè â èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíå
ñâåòèëüíèêè massive
ëþñòðû áðà ñâåòèëüíèêè

Nuo: HI! Nice design! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget trave (2007-04-26 01:51)
HI! Nice design!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Fine and pretty site! Very good owner! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baj (2007-04-26 02:31)
Fine and pretty site! Very good owner!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Fine and pretty site! Very good owner! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baj (2007-04-26 03:57)
Fine and pretty site! Very good owner!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Good job and great design! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Bu (2007-04-26 04:00)
Good job and great design!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Good job and great design! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Bu (2007-04-26 04:00)
Good job and great design!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Great work and pretty colors! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel (2007-04-26 04:11)
Great work and pretty colors!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Good job and great design! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Bu (2007-04-26 04:24)
Good job and great design!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: áàçà ñâåòèëüíèêîâ òî÷å÷íûå ñâåòèëüíèêè â èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíå index.html ñâåòèëüíèêè íàïðàâëåííîãî ñ (2007-04-26 04:37)
áàçà ñâåòèëüíèêîâ
òî÷å÷íûå ñâåòèëüíèêè â èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíå
ñâåòèëüíèêè íàïðàâëåííîãî ñâåòà
ñâåòèëüíèêè lussole
Øèííàÿ ñèñòåìà
èçãîòîâëåíèå ñâåòèëüíèêîâ

Nuo: ñâåòèëüíèêè áèëüÿðä ñâåòèëüíèêè æêó ñâåòèëüíèêè ðñï 25 îïîðû ñâåòèëüíèêîâ ñâåòèëüíèê 4õ40 áðà ñ (2007-04-26 04:38)
ñâåòèëüíèêè áèëüÿðä
ñâåòèëüíèêè æêó
ñâåòèëüíèêè ðñï 25
îïîðû ñâåòèëüíèêîâ
ñâåòèëüíèê 4õ40
áðà ñâåòèëüíèêè
ñàäîâûå ñîëíå÷íûå ñâåòèëüíèêè

Nuo: Look! Only now! Discounts! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Bu (2007-04-26 05:59)
Look! Only now! Discounts!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Fine and pretty site! Very good owner! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baj (2007-04-26 07:49)
Fine and pretty site! Very good owner!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Hello. I love your! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget tr (2007-04-26 08:44)
Hello. I love your!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Great work and pretty colors! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel (2007-04-26 09:46)
Great work and pretty colors!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Look! Only now! Discounts! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Bu (2007-04-27 00:38)
Look! Only now! Discounts!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Look! Only now! Discounts! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Bu (2007-04-27 01:08)
Look! Only now! Discounts!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Great work and pretty colors! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel (2007-04-27 01:34)
Great work and pretty colors!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Great work and pretty colors! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel (2007-04-27 02:14)
Great work and pretty colors!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Look! Only now! Discounts! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Bu (2007-04-27 02:28)
Look! Only now! Discounts!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Hello. I love your! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget tr (2007-04-27 02:30)
Hello. I love your!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Hello. I love your! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget tr (2007-04-27 02:39)
Hello. I love your!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Fine and pretty site! Very good owner! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baj (2007-04-27 02:43)
Fine and pretty site! Very good owner!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Good job and great design! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Bu (2007-04-27 02:45)
Good job and great design!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Fine and pretty site! Very good owner! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baj (2007-04-27 03:24)
Fine and pretty site! Very good owner!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Great work and pretty colors! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel (2007-04-27 03:48)
Great work and pretty colors!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Great work and pretty colors! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel (2007-04-27 03:59)
Great work and pretty colors!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Good job and great design! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Bu (2007-04-27 07:07)
Good job and great design!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Good job and great design! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Bu (2007-04-27 08:14)
Good job and great design!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Look! Only now! Discounts! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Bu (2007-04-27 08:48)
Look! Only now! Discounts!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Hello. I love your! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget tr (2007-04-27 08:54)
Hello. I love your!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Your know end news! What is this? Discounts! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packin (2007-04-27 09:17)
Your know end news! What is this? Discounts!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: HI! Nice design! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget trave (2007-04-27 09:44)
HI! Nice design!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Hello. I love your! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget tr (2007-04-27 09:53)
Hello. I love your!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: HI! Nice design! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget trave (2007-04-27 09:54)
HI! Nice design!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: Good job and great design! Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Bu (2007-04-27 10:00)
Good job and great design!
Air travel distances Lion world travel Travel packing Baja travel Budget travel in USA Travel air Travel coffee maker Washington state travel Pennsylvania travel Travelpak traveller Gutsy women travel

Nuo: (2007-04-29 00:50)

Nuo: (2007-04-29 00:51)

Nuo: (2007-04-29 02:17)

Nuo: (2007-04-29 02:18)

Nuo: (2007-04-29 03:40)

Nuo: (2007-04-29 03:41)

Nuo: (2007-04-29 05:12)

Nuo: (2007-04-29 05:13)

Nuo: (2007-05-01 01:38)

Nuo: (2007-05-01 01:39)

Nuo: (2007-05-01 03:04)

Nuo: (2007-05-01 03:05)

Nuo: (2007-05-01 04:46)

Nuo: (2007-05-01 04:47)

Nuo: (2007-05-01 06:03)

Nuo: Serafin Leandro (2007-05-01 18:17)
Ne v dengah ne v muzejnoj pyl. Serafin Leandro.

Nuo: (2007-05-01 20:58)

Nuo: (2007-05-01 20:59)

Nuo: (2007-05-01 22:33)

Nuo: (2007-05-01 22:34)

Nuo: Look! Only now! Discounts! (2007-05-01 23:56)
Look! Only now! Discounts!

Nuo: (2007-05-02 00:04)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 00:06)

Nuo: Your know end news! What is this? Discounts! (2007-05-02 00:22)
Your know end news! What is this? Discounts!

Nuo: (2007-05-02 01:32)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 01:34)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 03:02)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 04:34)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 04:35)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 06:04)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 06:06)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 07:36)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 07:37)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 09:10)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 09:11)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 10:38)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 10:39)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 13:39)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 13:41)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 15:17)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 18:25)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 18:27)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 19:59)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 20:01)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 21:35)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 21:36)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 23:07)

Nuo: (2007-05-02 23:08)

Nuo: (2007-05-03 00:42)

Nuo: (2007-05-03 00:44)

Nuo: (2007-05-03 02:15)

Nuo: (2007-05-03 02:16)

Nuo: (2007-05-03 03:51)

Nuo: (2007-05-03 03:53)

Nuo: Your know end news! What is this? Discounts! (2007-05-03 04:01)
Your know end news! What is this? Discounts!

Nuo: Great work and pretty colors! (2007-05-03 04:21)
Great work and pretty colors!

Nuo: Hello. I love your! (2007-05-03 04:27)
Hello. I love your!

Nuo: Your know end news! What is this? Discounts! (2007-05-03 04:34)
Your know end news! What is this? Discounts!

Nuo: Your know end news! What is this? Discounts! (2007-05-03 04:53)
Your know end news! What is this? Discounts!

Nuo: Your know end news! What is this? Discounts! (2007-05-03 04:53)
Your know end news! What is this? Discounts!

Nuo: Great work and pretty colors! (2007-05-03 05:15)
Great work and pretty colors!

Nuo: Good job and great design! (2007-05-03 05:16)
Good job and great design!

Nuo: HI! Nice design! (2007-05-03 05:28)
HI! Nice design!

Nuo: Good job and great design! (2007-05-03 05:57)
Good job and great design!

Nuo: Fine and pretty site! Very good owner! (2007-05-03 06:10)
Fine and pretty site! Very good owner!

Nuo: HI! Nice design! (2007-05-03 06:17)
HI! Nice design!

Nuo: HI! Nice design! (2007-05-03 06:32)
HI! Nice design!

Nuo: Look! Only now! Discounts! (2007-05-03 06:34)
Look! Only now! Discounts!

Nuo: Your know end news! What is this? Discounts! (2007-05-03 06:39)
Your know end news! What is this? Discounts!

Nuo: Look! Only now! Discounts! (2007-05-03 06:45)
Look! Only now! Discounts!

Nuo: Good job and great design! (2007-05-03 06:58)
Good job and great design!

Nuo: HI! Nice design! (2007-05-03 06:59)
HI! Nice design!

Nuo: Your know end news! What is this? Discounts! (2007-05-03 07:10)
Your know end news! What is this? Discounts!

Nuo: Your know end news! What is this? Discounts! (2007-05-03 07:15)
Your know end news! What is this? Discounts!

Nuo: Fine and pretty site! Very good owner! (2007-05-03 07:32)
Fine and pretty site! Very good owner!

Nuo: Look! Only now! Discounts! (2007-05-03 07:54)
Look! Only now! Discounts!

Nuo: HI! Nice design! (2007-05-03 07:59)
HI! Nice design!

Nuo: Good job and great design! (2007-05-03 08:28)
Good job and great design!

Nuo: HI! Nice design! (2007-05-03 08:45)
HI! Nice design!

Nuo: (2007-05-03 22:43)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 00:11)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 00:12)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 01:37)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 01:38)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 03:09)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 03:10)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 04:39)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 04:40)

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Nuo: (2007-05-04 06:12)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 07:41)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 07:42)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 09:13)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 09:14)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 10:50)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 12:21)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 15:36)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 15:37)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 19:26)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 20:59)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 21:00)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 22:28)

Nuo: (2007-05-04 22:30)

Nuo: (2007-05-05 00:01)

Nuo: (2007-05-05 00:02)

Nuo: (2007-05-05 01:30)

Nuo: (2007-05-05 01:31)

Nuo: (2007-05-05 03:00)

Nuo: (2007-05-05 03:01)

Nuo: (2007-05-05 04:30)

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Nuo: (2007-05-05 08:56)

Nuo: (2007-05-05 10:27)

Nuo: (2007-05-05 10:28)

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Nuo: jsdjhll (2007-05-08 01:04)
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Nuo: (2007-05-08 02:05)

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Nuo: (2007-05-08 12:30)

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Nuo: (2007-05-09 22:43)

Nuo: (2007-05-10 00:12)

Nuo: Maryvonne Heilyn (2007-05-10 00:50)
Kogda nastanut holoda i belaja doroga ljazhe. Maryvonne Heilyn.

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Nuo: (2007-05-12 04:21)

Nuo: (2007-05-12 05:51)

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Nuo: MEDVED4364 (2007-08-17 01:22)
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Nuo: wydpj yhteru (2007-09-24 06:25)
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Nuo: pokna (2007-12-21 14:15)
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Nuo: welop (2007-12-22 07:59)
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Nuo: kkpo5 (2007-12-23 07:45)

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Nuo: sdfwer (2007-12-26 02:26)
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Nuo: welop (2007-12-26 03:48)

Nuo: girtib (2007-12-26 05:08)

Nuo: welop (2007-12-26 06:28)

Nuo: lohutr (2007-12-26 09:13)
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Nuo: kkpo5 (2007-12-26 09:34)

Nuo: welop (2007-12-26 15:41)

Nuo: zaqwer (2007-12-26 19:57)

Nuo: ccvdre (2007-12-26 21:56)
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Nuo: zaqwer (2007-12-27 06:24)

Nuo: lohutr (2007-12-27 14:49)

Nuo: welop (2007-12-27 19:11)
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Nuo: uriklo (2007-12-27 20:55)

Nuo: kkpo5 (2007-12-28 02:47)
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Nuo: ccvdre (2007-12-30 01:54)

Nuo: bnd74 (2007-12-31 05:58)
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Nuo: bnd74 (2007-12-31 16:29)
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Nuo: girtib (2008-01-02 13:47)
Thank you, looking forward to many more visits!

Nuo: porlan (2008-01-02 16:36)
Nice site. Thank you.

Nuo: welop (2008-01-02 16:38)
Nice site!

Nuo: kkpo5 (2008-01-02 21:10)
Thank you for the informative work!

Nuo: lohutr (2008-01-02 23:07)
Thank you, looking forward to many more visits!

Nuo: porlan (2008-01-02 23:27)
Thank you for the informative work!

Nuo: bnd74 (2008-01-03 08:23)
Thank you for the informative work!

Nuo: kkpo5 (2008-01-03 13:21)
Nice site!

Nuo: qasder (2008-01-03 15:28)
Nice site!

Nuo: uriklo (2008-01-03 18:51)
Nice site!

Nuo: welop (2008-01-03 20:35)
Hi! Good Site! Keep Doing That!

Nuo: ccvdre (2008-01-03 20:56)
Nice site. Thank you.

Nuo: bnd74 (2008-01-03 22:14)
Hi! Good Site! Keep Doing That!

Nuo: uriklo (2008-01-03 23:56)
Thank you for the informative work!

Nuo: wer45 (2008-01-04 00:20)
Thank you, looking forward to many more visits!

Nuo: pokna (2008-01-04 01:15)
Nice site!

Nuo: pokna (2008-01-04 03:00)
Thank you for the informative work!

Nuo: qasder (2008-01-04 03:23)
Nice site!

Nuo: welop (2008-01-04 04:35)
Hi! Good Site! Keep Doing That!

Nuo: qasder (2008-01-04 05:03)
Thank you, looking forward to many more visits!

Nuo: qasder (2008-01-04 06:01)
Thank you for the informative work!

Nuo: pokna (2008-01-04 06:37)
Hi! Good Site! Keep Doing That!

Nuo: zaqwer (2008-01-04 07:16)
Thank you, looking forward to many more visits!

Nuo: porlan (2008-01-04 08:05)
Thank you for the informative work!

Nuo: lohutr (2008-01-04 09:19)
Nice site. Thank you.

Nuo: pokna (2008-01-04 10:12)
Nice site. Thank you.

Nuo: girtib (2008-01-04 10:46)
Thank you, looking forward to many more visits!

Nuo: uriklo (2008-01-04 11:39)
Thank you for the informative work!

Nuo: wer45 (2008-01-04 12:16)
Hi! Good Site! Keep Doing That!

Nuo: wer45 (2008-01-04 13:07)
Thank you for the informative work!

Nuo: girtib (2008-01-04 13:46)
Hi! Good Site! Keep Doing That!

Nuo: lohutr (2008-01-04 14:40)
Hi! Good Site! Keep Doing That!

Nuo: uriklo (2008-01-04 15:18)
Nice site. Thank you.

Nuo: pokna (2008-01-04 16:27)
Hi! Good Site! Keep Doing That!

Nuo: wer45 (2008-01-04 18:11)
Hi! Good Site! Keep Doing That!

Nuo: wer45 (2008-01-04 19:32)
Thank you for the informative work!

Nuo: wer45 (2008-01-04 20:22)
Thank you, looking forward to many more visits!

Nuo: uriklo (2008-01-05 04:30)
Nice site!

Nuo: qasder (2008-01-05 11:14)
Thank you for the informative work!

Nuo: qasder (2008-01-07 01:05)
Thank you for the informative work!


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